Collection: Salts

SA.NI.MA Salt of Trapani Historic Saline Galia

Along the Via del Sale, which runs from Trapani to Marsala, we discover one of the most evocative places in our territory, the Saline .
They are large tanks filled with sea water which, depending on the period, can have different colours, and from which the salt workers collect the sea salt from August onwards .

The tanks together with the long canals cover a vast territory that reaches the sea, while ancient mills can be glimpsed among the white piles of salt .

The mountains of very white salt, produced in Trapani in the salt pans a stone's throw from the city, which we can admire in August are the result of a long work done by the sun and wind in the summer months in synergy with the experience and ingenuity of man .

Massimo Daidone has been following the work in the Galia salt pan for decades and thanks to his passion and experience he allows SA.NI.MA. to produce a salt with high organoleptic qualities.

The Saline di Trapani and Paceco Oriented Nature Reserve has been managed by the WWF since 1995, and includes an area of ​​over a thousand hectares in which our Galia salt pan is also located.

The conservation, from a naturalistic point of view, of this extraordinary habitat has allowed many species of animals and plants to survive, allowing, thanks to its healthiness, one of the oldest activities in our territory, the cultivation of sea salt .

We could say that the Saline Reserve is the splendid result of the union between human work and nature.
The existence of the salt pans dates back to the time when the Phoenicians lived in our territory.

It was precisely these skilled traders who identified the ideal place for the cultivation of salt on the low, warm and windy coast of Trapani .

Sale marino sfuso