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Black sesame seeds

Black sesame seeds

Black sesame seeds are an exotic and nutritious ingredient, appreciated for their intense flavor and numerous beneficial properties. These oil seeds are a source of fiber, vegetable proteins, B vitamins, minerals such as calcium, magnesium and zinc, and antioxidants.

characteristics and properties:

  • Rich in Fibre: They help maintain a healthy digestive system and regulate blood sugar.
  • Vegetable Proteins: They offer important nutritional support for the health of bones, muscles and tissues.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: They provide B vitamins, calcium for bones, magnesium for the nervous system and zinc for the immune system.
  • Antioxidants: They fight cellular aging thanks to the presence of lignans.
  • Cardiovascular Health: They can help regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

how to use in the kitchen: Black sesame seeds are very versatile and can be used in several ways:

  • Toasted: Perfect for adding a nutty flavor and unique crunch to salads, breads and sushi.
  • Breadings: Ideal for creating a crispy crust on meat or fish.
  • Muesli and Yogurt: Add them to your granola or yogurt for a nutrient-rich breakfast.
  • Gomasio: Once toasted and salted, they can be used to create gomasio, an alternative seasoning to salt.
  • Tahini cream: Made into a cream, they are excellent for spreading on bread or using in sauces and condiments.

tips for use:

  • Lightly toast the seeds before adding them to your recipes to enhance their flavor.
  • Experiment with adding black sesame seeds to soups, soups and soups for a special touch.
  • Try grinding them to obtain a flour to use in desserts, bread and pasta.

With black sesame seeds, every dish acquires a touch of taste and health, making every recipe special and nutritious. They are the ideal ingredient for those looking for a balanced diet full of flavour.

         €/Kg 13.90

origin: non-EU

EXP. 03/26

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